Shalin Manav Ratna Award – 2013
Shri Dr Sudhir M Parikh (USA)
Dr. Sudhir M. Parikh, M.D., is one of the most honoured Indian Americans. In addition to several distinguished awards and honours, Dr Parikh was conferred with the “Padma Shree” in 2010, one of the highest awards conferred by the Government of India in recognition of his outstanding contribution. Dr Sudhir M. Parikh has contributed vitally in advocating the realization of broad co-operation and strong bi-lateral international relations between India and the United States of America. Dr Parikh, a highly esteemed intellectual, is a compassionate philanthropist, and a successful and influential entrepreneur in the publishing sector. In recognition of his able leadership of a number of national and international organisations as well as his philanthropic activities, Dr Parikh has been honoured by various organisations including the state of New Jersey Senate, Gujarat Samaj of New York city, Vishwa Gujarati Samaj, Indian Cultural Association of New Jersey and Association of Indians in America. Dr Parikh’s leadership and philanthropic contributions have greatly served the causes of cancer treatment, higher education for poor students and propagation of Indian culture and values.

Shri Dr Nilesh Patel (USA)
The prospects of on enormous ordeal of a coronary bypass surgery, coupled with possible medical complications, long and costly hospitalization can now soon be the nightmares of the past. Thanks to the innovative, cutting-edge technology, using minimally invasive robotic cardiac surgery that Dr. Nilesh Patel so successfully applies with nearly cent percent success rate. Dr. Nilesh Patel, who studied medicine in Gujarat, taught it in Mumbai, is a young Indian-American Cardiac Surgeon working at Lennox Hill Hospital in Manhattan. He has developed a first-of-its kind procedure – “robotic-assisted multi vessel midcab with port-access stabilization and cardiac positioning”-that allows a cardiac patient to undergo multiple bypass, recuperate and walk out of hospital within 24 hours, or may be even less ! With further advancement and wider use of such a technologically-superior procedure, cardiac patients with limited resources also can hope for a good life with a healthy heart. Dr Nilesh Patel, with his sensitive compassionate and generous heart is sharing his brilliantly innovative cardiac surgery procedure with his counterparts in India and elsewhere, as his heart beats for humanity !
Sushri Niranjanaben Mukulbhai Kalarthi (India)
Born during the freedom struggle of India, in Swaraj Ashram, Bardoli, a place of pilgrimage for all patriots; Niranjanaben inculcated the values of truth, non-violence, service, greed-lessness and nationalism.
She was so very fortunate to have grown up in the shelter of Mahatma Gandhi’s affection, and experienced the leadership of the indomitable Sardar – the iron man who created a united and integrated India. Initiating her basic education under the ‘Nai Talim’ framework, Niranjanaben graduated with Sociology from Gujarat Vidyapeeth. Shri Mukulbhai Kalarthi, her life-partner, being a scholar of literature and an educationalist, contributed to the expansion of Niranjanaben’s horizons. Within a short span of just five years of their marriage, the couple moved out of glamorous Mumbai and settled in Gujarat to serve the Adivasis in interior villages, taking up the campaign for girl-child education.
Today, after more than four decades of her ceaseless devotion and services in the field of girl-child education, Niranjanaben has evolved into a modern sage. Her endeavours to serve the less-privileged continue to grow and expand at the Swaraj Ashram, Bardoli.

Shri Dr Nilesh Patel (USA)
The prospects of on enormous ordeal of a coronary bypass surgery, coupled with possible medical complications, long and costly hospitalization can now soon be the nightmares of the past. Thanks to the innovative, cutting-edge technology, using minimally invasive robotic cardiac surgery that Dr. Nilesh Patel so successfully applies with nearly cent percent success rate. Dr. Nilesh Patel, who studied medicine in Gujarat, taught it in Mumbai, is a young Indian-American Cardiac Surgeon working at Lennox Hill Hospital in Manhattan. He has developed a first-of-its kind procedure – “robotic-assisted multi vessel midcab with port-access stabilization and cardiac positioning”-that allows a cardiac patient to undergo multiple bypass, recuperate and walk out of hospital within 24 hours, or may be even less ! With further advancement and wider use of such a technologically-superior procedure, cardiac patients with limited resources also can hope for a good life with a healthy heart. Dr Nilesh Patel, with his sensitive compassionate and generous heart is sharing his brilliantly innovative cardiac surgery procedure with his counterparts in India and elsewhere, as his heart beats for humanity !