Relief Work against
By Anoopam Mission

We at Anoopam Mission are working relentlessly to combat the Covid-19 Pandemic. With the Inspiration of Sant Bhagwant Param Pujya Sahebji, various COVID relief work projects have been initiated to help people in need in Rural areas of Gujarat.

Anoopam Mission UK has been providing COVID-19 support in the Buckinghamshire region.
- Distributed over 1000 food packs to key workers at 4 NHS Hospitals, 11 elderly care homes and nursing homes.
- Provided over 100kg of supplies to a local Foodbank that distributes food to people who can’t afford to buy food and basic essentials.
- A team of about 40 volunteers who were involved in many activities including contacting local organisations to understand their needs, collection of food donations and purchases, preparing food packs, delivering food packs.
During the COVID-19 pandemic Anoopam Mission USA showed their support to the local community by providing monetary aid to three organizations in the Lehigh Valley region.
- $2500 was donated to Allentown Rescue Mission, an organization that provides food, shelter and other basic necessities to those in need.
- $1000 was donated to the Laury’s Station Volunteer Fire Company that is assisting with the pandemic response.
- $1000 was donated to the NOVA organization, which provides emergency medical services.