Nature Cure

Commencement : 1980

In addition to modern health services, Anoopam Mission has been constantly engaged in reviving the habit of a healthy life-style in tune with nature, while researching into remedies which are natural in essence, effect and practice.

It is a tribute to the work of Late Shri Vitthalbhai Patel and Late Smt. Sushilaben Patel. They both were dedicated to the world of Naturopathy and cherished a dream to serve the society by way of an alternative system of medicine, which is now carried out by Anoopam Mission as a part of its health programme.

The campus of V.A.Munshi Nature Cure Centre is situated in serene 6-acre land, surrounded by greenery to support the holistic health care system. The atmosphere in the campus adds positive vibrations to the surroundings & enhances the process of curing through naturopathy & yoga. Health seekers, not only from India, but also from other countries visit this centre.

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