Flood Relief Work
Torrential Rain and flood situation subsequently brings normal life to a standstill. Anoopam Mission extensively provided support and by launching Relief work in the early hours of such situation.
With inspiration and blessings of Sant Bhagwant Param Pujya Sahebji Youths and Haribhakto of Anoopam Mission’s centres dedicatedly provided selfless services by means of safety measures and daily supplements to the flood affected areas and thousands of people.
Flood relief work during June-July 2005 in Central Gujarat
Heavy rainfalls lead to flood situation in central Gujarat due to overflow of rivers and dams. central Gujarat was worst affected area. People were stranded in their homes. Power supply, communication and transportation were cut off.
Against all the odds Vratdhari Santo and Youth Volunteers reached the interiors of villages and townships of Mogri, Mafatpura, Vitthal Udyognagar, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Karamsad, Bakrol, Anand and vicinity. They started shifting people and were offered shelter. Food, Milk, Vegetables, Drinking Water etc. were distributed to the flood affected areas without any discrimination of caste and creed.
Sant Bhagwant Param Pujya Sahebji provided guidance to the relief work from USA and instructed all the Centres and Haribhaktos around the world to start Prayers.

Flood relief work during August 2006 in South Gujarat & Surat
Excessive Rain in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh (States of Western India) etc has created a situation to release over One Million Cusec of water from Ukai Dam which is on river Tapti, on the upstream side of city Surat. The sudden release of a huge amount of water from the Ukai dam led to over 80 percent of the city going underwater.
No electricity, No food, water and basic necessities like Milk & Medicines were scarce. City was cut off by all means of transport and communication network.
Sant Bhagwant Param Pujya Sahebji talked with elder Vratdhari Santo and instructed to launch immediate Relief Work.
Under the guidance of Param Pujya Ashvinbhai, Pujya Ratikaka and Pujya Dilipbhai, Vratdhari Santo and Haribhaktos gathered at Anoopam Mission, Mogri to prepare food packets. All worked day and night to prepare thousands of food packets, chanting dhun and singing bhajans; praying to Lord Swaminarayan for well being of all affected. Anoopam mission in surat started relief work activities. Haribhaktos and Youths reached affected areas to supply food and water.
Sant Bhagwant Param Pujya Sahebji appealed all to take part in the relief work by all possible means (Tan (physically), Man (mentally) ane Dhan (financially) thi Seva kari levi) and have instructed all centres and haribhaktos across the world to offer prayers.
Flood relief work during September 2013 in Central Gujarat, Vemar
In September 2013, Vemar village in Vadodara District, witnessed the heaviest rain in decades. Homes flooded with water left many people homeless and helpless. Fields were flooded with rain water.
Anoopam Mission’s New Temple Site (and nearby fields) at Vemar Village flooded with rain water.
With inspiration and blessings of Sant Bhagwant Param Pujya Sahebji and cooperation of villagers, Youths and Haribhakto of Anoopam Mission’s Vemar mandal rushed to flood-hit areas and dedicatedly extend their help providing shelter and food supply to the people.
They shifted more than 1200 people to the safer place, under the roof of village high school, and served food for continuous 3 days tirelessly.